Friday, May 20, 2011

Filoli Trail - Mourning Dove

Mourning doves have plump bodies and long tails with short legs, small bills and a head that looks small when compared to its body. Pointed tails are unique to North American doves. These doves coloring usually matches their open-country surroundings. They are light brown to buffy-tan colored with black spots on the wings and black-bordered white tips to the tail feathers. Diet - Mourning Doves eat mostly seeds including cultivated grains and peanuts as well as grasses, weeds, and occasionally berries. Habitat/Range - These birds are usually found in North America in open country, scattered trees, and woodland edged areas. During the winter, some roost in woodlands. When they are feeding, they go to grasslands, agricultural fields, backyards, and roadsides. Behavior - These birds fly fast with powerful wingbeats. They sometimes make sudden ascents, descents, and dodges. Their nests are usually made of pine needles, twigs, and grass stems and the nests are usually placed in dense foliage on the branch of an evergreen, orchard tree, mesquite, cottonwood, or vine. It is also quite common for the nest to be put on the ground.

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