Monday, May 9, 2011

The Dish - Great Blue Heron

The Great Blue Heron is the largest and most widespread heron in North America. They are tall and usually stand around 38-54 inches. Range/Habitat - They are found comminly in mud flats, marshes, and agricultural areas at high to mid elevations. They nest in trees in colonies near water and then disperse to feeding areas. Diet - Great Blue Herons feed on fish, amphibians, reptiles, invertebrates, small mammals, and even other birds. Behavior - These herons usually stand silently and then stab their prey with a quick lunge of the bill. They stalk their prey slowly. Young herons can first fly around 60 days old, but continue to return to their nest and are fed by adults for another few weeks. They do pair up, but only for nesting season, and adults form new bonds each year.
Because the dish is not located near water, I would suspect that the Great Blue Heron that I saw was probably away from its nest looking for reptiles and small mammals to feed on.

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