Monday, May 9, 2011

The Dish

The Stanford Dish is a radio telescope in the Stanford Foothills. Built in 1966, the $4.5 million dish was originally used to study the chemical composition of the atmosphere. But the dish was later used to communicate with satellites and spacecraft. The dish also transmitted signals to every Voyager craft dispatched by NASA. The area around the dish consists of a 3.5 mile trail. The trait itself has many hills and beautiful views or Stanford, San Jose, and even San Francisco.
Hiking the dish became somewhat of a more daunting task than I had anticipated. I chose to start the hike around 10 am. The hike is usually supposed to take about 1 hour and 30 minutes, but because I was also stopping frequently to take photographs, the hike took around 2 hours and 15 minutes. Although it was fairly hot and the hike took longer than expected, the views were amazing and I even got a chance to see some pretty amazing wildlife. Overall, hiking the dish was an enjoyable experience.

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