Friday, May 20, 2011

Windy Hill - Lazuli Bunting

The Lazuli Bunting is a small songbird with a short, thick bill and two wingbars. Males have blue heads and backs with a red chest and white belly (pictured above). Females and nonbreeding males ore dull brown. Diet - These birds eat seeds, fruit, and insects. They also occasionally go to bird feeders. Habitat/Range - These birds reside on the west coast of North America. They only come to California, however, in the summer when they are breeding (which explains why I saw a breeding male). They like to live in bushy hillsides, wooded valleys, sagebrush, chaparral, and residential gardens. Behavior - These birds often perch on stems of grasses and other plants and remove seeds with their bills. They flycatch for insects and hop on ground eating seeds. They nest in open cups of coarse grasses, rootlets, and strips of bark and leaves wrapped in silk. These nests are places in a shrub close to the ground.

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