Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sawyer - Western Fence Lizard

Western Fence Lizards are 6 inch lizards that range from a light grey color to black with dark blotches on the back that continue down the tail. Range/Habitat - These lizards are usually found throughout the west coast of the United States. This lizard lives in a wide range of habitats ranging from coastal sage shrub and chaparral to forests of higher elevation. They are usually found on the ground, in rock and wood piles, tree trunks, and the lower branches of shrubs. Diet - Western Fence Lizards eat many different types of insects. Behavior - These lizards like sitting on prominent points (such as fences) where it can sun and watch for food and predators. It likes to sit on places that are dark so they will blend in.
The lizard that I saw had some interesting blue marking along its back as well as on its belly and throat. This is characteristic of male Western Fence Lizards.

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