Monday, May 9, 2011

The Dish - Great Egret

The Great Egret is a large white bird that can reach up to one meter in height. They are also known as the Great White Heron, but this term is not used frequently. Range/Habitat - They are usually found is areas with trees and shrubs over water and islands. But the Great Egret feeds in shallow water or drier habitats. Diet - They mainly feed on fish, frogs, small mammals, and small reptiles and insects. Behavior - The Great Egret nests in colonies with other herons and make their nests out of sticks covered with greens. During courtship, they hold large plumes over their back. When feeding, they walk slowly, stand, and stab prey quickly with a lunge of the bill.
Like the Great Blue Heron, because the Great Egret I saw was not in its usual nesting habitat, the Great Egret I saw was feeding on lizards and small mammals.

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